Search Tips

Title Search

You can search for a piece or arrangement by typing in the title, a keyword from the title, the composer, or the 8-digit inventory number. If you use more than one keyword, our search engine will restrict the results to books that match all the keywords that you enter.

When you are searching for a particular piece, it is best that you leave out common words such as the following: "the" "or" "and" etc., so that you will get more accurate results. For example, if you are looking for Gillock's "Fountain in the Rain," it may work best if you type in "Fountain Rain" or "Gillock Fountain." Note all the special tabs and drop-down menus that have been created and customized with you in mind.

And, remember that in the search bar (top right hand corner of your screen), you can either search all products, narrow it down to books and sheets, or search only digital sheets.

What if you still can't find it?

If all else fails, please feel free to contact us at We will try to respond to your question as soon as possible. (Please note that our business hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30-5:30 Central Time.)

Thank you for visiting the Willis Piano Music website!